Tuesday 25 October 2011

Permits are NOT granted for Palestanian Pilgrims in Mecca

Hammreh had planned to have a memorable reunion with his mother in Mecca. But they were turned back with "technical problems". “I was happy because I will meet my mother for Hajj, but there were problems on the Saudi Arabian side,” Hammreh explained to PNN. “They kept asking for my telegram number.” 

House Demolished, Trees uprooted in Anata, Palestine

On Tuesday, Israeli forces demolished a 120-square foot house in the village of Anata, northeast of Jerusalem, as well as uprooted trees.

Friday 6 May 2011

Gadaffi too Cruel!

Recently, protesters of Gadaffi was killed by security guards... 16 people were killed and syahid.. Innalillah...

Sunday 1 May 2011

Advice to all!

~A person who ask's look silly for a while.., But a person who never ask looks silly forever!~

~If we want achieve success.., we must start with our solat...~

~The diiference between a Teacher and a Educator is that a Teacher teaches only.., But an Educator is the person who guides us... In school, there are So much Teachers and so little Educators..~

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Kekejaman Israel!!

Palestine Kindergarden after Rocket attack!

File:Beersheva kindergarten after rocket attack from Gaza.jpg

Donate Please!!!

Why are people helping Japan's Disaster thet happened for just a while but Palestine are held captive for 100 YEARS.. But only a little sum helped.... Why is it like that? Why are they helping the kafir country when Islam need them.. I'm not saying that we don't need to donate to Japan, but it is unfair.. So you can donate for both or the whole world.. AlluhuAkbar!!!

How can we help Libya,Palestine..?

We can donate to our friends there...., Can't we just give a little for their freedom.... Even a Ringgit can save lives. So donate now...

Friday 22 April 2011

Assalamualaikum.. Libya's army may quit fighting against Misurata..Misurata is Libya's third-largest city and has been besieged by the Libyan army for nearly two months. Hundreds of people have been killed in clashes between rebels and government forces. The international community has accused Libyan forces of firing indiscriminately at civilian areas....

Libya is under attack!!

As we all know Libya and Tunisia r both under captive.. But, Libya is helped by Europeans.. Alhamdullilah!

Pemain bola Islam!

Freedom For Palestine!

Everyone knows that Palestine are being held captive by the Israelists... So we must do everything for Freedom and Islam! AllahuAkbar!!!